Nuclear energy in the era of climate resilience: advancing long-term scenarios with the world-times model


  • Fankhauser Doyle Edenhofer KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgia Author
  • Lehtveer Loulou Parikh KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgia Author
  • Sen Zhu Wang Yu KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgia Author



Climate Resilience, Energy Transition, Long-Term Scenarios, Nuclear Energy, World-TIMES Model


Sustainable energy routes that improve climate resilience are needed because climate change affects global energy systems. Nuclear energy's low-carbon electricity could mitigate climate change. This study uses the World-TIMES Model to assess its climatic resilience. A mathematical optimization model is used to discover the best energy mix, including nuclear power, to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and meet energy demand and cost limitations. We use a simplified numerical example to demonstrate the concept and assess nuclear energy, renewable sources, and cost-effectiveness trade-offs. Wind and solar electricity are better in the scenario, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. This conclusion is scenario-specific, and real-world difficulties demand more thorough models. Thus, the study emphasizes regional-specific data, dynamic dynamics, and sensitivity analysis. This work improves our understanding of nuclear energy's potential in climate-resilient energy systems and aids policymakers in developing evidence-based energy strategies. The report also emphasizes the importance of renewable energy sources in reaching climate targets and urges future research to solve real-world difficulties and maximize nuclear energy integration in long-term energy planning


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How to Cite

Nuclear energy in the era of climate resilience: advancing long-term scenarios with the world-times model. (2023). Vertex, 12(2), 80-88.

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